We perform many types of soft tissue surgeries at our Hospital. Soft tissue surgeries are those that are not associated with bone. These surgeries can provide many benefits to pets. Masses and Tumors. Probably the most common soft tissue surgery performed on Pets is the removal of masses, or lumps. Most of these masses, once removed and tested, are found to be benign (nonharmful); however, occasionally they are more serious. Early removal and accurate diagnosis of a lump is necessary to improve the outcome in your Pet if the mass is cancerous. Exploratory Laparotomy is a type of soft tissue surgery of the abdomen. It may be indicated in different circumstances, including but not limited to: foreign body obstruction of the GI tract by an ingested object; to locate and remove internal masses of different organs, infected organs such as uterus during a pyometra disease, or retained testicles; or even in case of emergency such is severe traumatic bleeding in the abdomen. Ear Hematoma. If your dog suffers from frequent ear infections, head shacking can lead to a formation of hematoma – large blood filled sac between the two surfaces of the ear. While some respond to draining and treatment of underlying infections, allergies, etc., many require surgical intervention to reduce pain, swelling, and improve cosmetic outcome. Surgical removal of masses and polyps inside ear canals can reduce their occurrence by improving airflow into the ear canal. End stage otitis may necessitate referral to a board certified veterinary surgeon for the total ear canal ablation procedure. Eye and Lid Surgery. Surgery can also help resolve several problems related to the eyes. Tearing in your Pet’s eyes and/or squinting can mean an infection is present or may be a sign that the cornea (outer layer of the eye) has been damaged. While many cases can be treated medically, some necessitate surgical intervention to allow the cornea heal faster with less scarring, improving your pet’s ability to see. In some Pets, the eyelashes and eyelid masses may actually damage the cornea. Surgical intervention improves comfort, reduces the chances of corneal scarring, and enhances the Pet’s vision in the long term. We can also repair many cases of entropion, or excessive rolling of the eye lids, as well as perform an enucleation when necessary. Dr. Lapova has a special interest in eye surgery, and we own state of the art magnifying and lighting equipment to enhance accuracy needed to perform eye surgery. Keep in mind that in complex cases, referral to the board certified ophthalmologist will be recommended. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss how soft tissue surgery might be able to help your Pet.