Department: Management: Practice Manager
When did you start working at the Practice? 2013
Favorite Food: It’s Taco Tuesday somewhere!
Favorite Movie: Neverending Story
Pets in Household: We have 4 adopted dogs: Bella the Pitbull, Mia the Doberman/Boxer/Lab mix, Dante and Zane – Doberman Pinschers. We have BT the Cat who was adopted in 2005 from MAS.
Favorite Hobby: Golf, scuba, tactical sports, running, disc golf
Favorite Sports/Team: Hook ‘em!
Hometown: Houston, TX
Dream Vacation: Anywhere with my wife, a beach, great diving and golf
What would we be surprised to know about you? I was a highly specialized Certified Commercial Diver for 11 years, working off shore and in black water. I completed 48 credit hours in Veterinary Practice Management in 2013. I annually get more Continuing Education credits in Management then Veterinarians are required to get in medicine in the state of TN:)
The best part of working at RBAH? Keeping our great Team happy and organized. Striving to offer the state of the art Veterinary care to our Patients and Clients at an affordable cost.